Tuesday, August 14, 2012

chain writing

There once was a billionarie. One day, he decided to spend a lot of money in lottery because he was bored of his life. With his money he bought whatever he wanted. Also he was lucky and was picked in the lottery. So it was up to the news. Because he already had a lot of money but he earned more money. So he was thinking where to use the money. He first bought many expensive cars. Like lamborghini, bentley, Ferrari and more. Because he likes cars and likes to ride cars. Then he bought a big house. A big house that has a soccer field, baseball field, golf course, swimming pool, tennis court, tracking field and more. Because he likes sports and it is fun if he plays sport with his friends. Then he bought all the Ipods, Iphones, game machines, Galaxys, notebooks. Also he bought all the games that are in the store of the phones.Because he can play games and not be bored in his house. But he was bored with his life because he only plays. So he was thinking were to use his money. He donated almost all of his money to Africa because they don't have money so they can't eat and can't have education. He donated millions and millions of dollar to the UNICEF and they helped the poor Africans. Then he went to many countries and helped the poor people and he became famous. Also the people began to like him. Then he got a Nobel peace prize and he used the money to help the poor peoples. Then he became old and become sick. He died at 80. Many people where sad because he was good to other peoples and help them a lot.

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